Apr 18, 2022 | Blog, News
Success Story: Words from an Aurora Case Manager A client applied with Aurora in March for rental assistance to prevent her eviction after having lost her job when she refused to work while Covid positive, with active symptoms. The client is the head of the household,...
Mar 15, 2022 | Blog, News
Success Story: Words from an Aurora Case Manager A client reached out to Aurora for rental and utility assistance though Community Engagement. The case manager working with them immediately recognized a language barrier present. The client’s first language is...
Feb 22, 2022 | Blog, News
Success Story: Words from an Aurora Case Manager This month we are focusing on housing pairs, and what better pair to talk about than a man and his granny? An individual who was released less than 6 months from Department of Corrections for a violation of his parole...
May 29, 2015 | Ending Homelessness, News
Yesterday, our entire staff attended a “mandatory” retreat with the goal to bring our team together and to re-establish the bonds that wear down, that only comes with the day to day tasks of dealing with crisis after crisis each day. A woman from Leadership...
Jan 30, 2015 | Inspiration, News
As I think back over the last fifteen years I have so many great memories. Taking the staff to New York for a conference and chasing down the hotel van through the streets of Queens so we could get back to the hotel Being delayed in Chicago because of weather...
Nov 19, 2014 | Being a Social Worker, Inspiration, News
This is Part 2 of a four-part series over the next month as Luzada’s time at Aurora comes to a close. She will be retiring from her current position as Executive Director on December 31. Part 1 can be found here. My quest to end homelessness has been filled with so...
Oct 8, 2014 | Ending Homelessness, Inspiration, News
This is Part 1 of a four-part series over the next few months as Luzada’s time at Aurora comes to a close. She will be retiring from her current position as Executive Director on December 31. Fifteen years ago when I walked into this organization, I was one of...
Sep 23, 2013 | Being a Social Worker, Inspiration, News, Social Work Education
It is with no exaggeration that I explain my emotions and difficulties in writing this letter to you. There are knots in my stomach making me feel ill, lumps ink my throat making it hard to swallow and talk, there is heaviness in my heart that doesn’t want to...