Jul 15, 2015 | Being a Social Worker, Blog, Community Change, Ending Homelessness, Having a Home, Homeless Outreach, Inspiration
Imagine if you will that you are sitting in your doctor’s office talking to him about an upcoming procedure and he tells you that you will need someone to be in the waiting room during the procedure and also someone to drive you home. For many of you, you have a...
Sep 11, 2014 | Blog, Community Change, Homeless Outreach
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” This quote from Mother Teresa hangs in my office as a daily reminder. When we serve the homeless we are not serving an abstract concept or only trying to reduce some statistic (number of homeless in our...
Jul 17, 2014 | Being a Social Worker, Blog, Community Change, Inspiration
Staying positive can serve as our best weapon against our most challenging moments! It has been 21 months since I was given the opportunity to become a part of the “Aurora Family.” During this time, I have been able to cross paths with many courageous individuals and...
Apr 13, 2014 | Blog, Community Change, Homeless Outreach
I have had the pleasure and joy the past few months of being an intern at Aurora with the Homeless Outreach Team. I have learned so much about our community, those who find themselves in a homeless situation, and how Aurora helps in so many ways. I wish everyone would...
Aug 27, 2013 | Blog, Community Change, Homeless Prevention
Unlike most of my coworkers, my major in college was not social work, but urban planning. I have a passion for community change, but one of the lessons I learned very quickly was that the work of community change is not fast work. I still remember being shown the...